
Sunday, November 28, 2010


Using YouTube choose one video for each of the concepts below
1. Communication Methods

2. Emerging Technologies

3. Idea adaptation


1. What does Maeda call the 3 keys?
"More appears like less simply by moving it far, far way"

"Openness simplifies complexity"

"Use less, gain more"

2. Describe how you have used these in your work towards UPHERE? Give at least one example of each key.
1.Away – completing task within time frame and within allocated facility will decrease the potential of the individual so I tried to work after hours and even working in my own space with my own equipment. Even if I do not complete the task during UNI hours I take that task to my home and work on my own computer to finish it on time.

2. Open – Being open to the working group and letting them know about the progress of work as well as asking for their suggestion is major factor to complete work on time and without misunderstanding.

3. Power – Among all work present only one work which is outstanding. I tried to present two of my work among all those which I created during the semester. The power of outstanding work will be notified and grab attention rather than presenting all those less interesting work.

3. Describe an incident in the production of UPHERE where technology has been an enabler…. and another where it has been a disabler!

Technology itself some time becomes enable and disabler in unknown ways. For example transferring the stored data from JVC Pro via USB cable consumes more time than FIREWIRE cable.

I realized this during the production period. Also frequent crashes of Final cut pro and loosing file creates frustration but on other hand final cut pro gives more flexibility to manipulate the video project beyond imagination.

4. At this stage in the exhibition process you are all working on some element or process for the big event. List 3 things (in your current project) that you could take away to simplify and one thing you could add for meaning.

Three things to take away is as follows

1. Knowledge: everything we learned during this semester will definitely help us in future to secure our career.

2. Iweb: Format and procedure to develop website will help us to update our status by ourself on our own time.

3. Experience: All these experience will count on work force.

One thing to add for meaning will be looking forward to get enroll for next semester.

Week 10

1. Using UPHERE as an example, describe an aspect of your work or something you have worked on, where you have found a symbiotic relationship that is both complexity and simplicity.

Animation software MAYA itself was complex but as we progress with the provided guideline from our trainer and tutorial of Maya made it simple.

Every time we go through our task there is a point where we have to come up with our final product. Initially it was instructed to make a “Play Blast” movie which was pretty simple but to get better result and resolution we must do “Batch Render”.

As I have mentioned in previous blog due to FLU I missed couple of important classes which kept me in failure. But again FOCUSED to achieve the desired outcome so I concentrated more and came up with the simple way to do batch render.

2. Provide a conceptual example of a situation that has arisen during this project where you have had a return on failure?

The situation that arises during the project was making DVD from the video file. The actual file size was 1920X1080. I was preparing to make a presentation of my work for the exhibition, Final cut was crashing without any reason and I was unaware about the setting to make the video file size low without decreasing quality. I tried couple of setting and spend couple of days to come up with the final setting which converted large video size without decreasing video quality and directly recording on DVD.

3. Homework: How are you using the laws in relation to your contribution to The UPHERE exhibition? Provide a short explanation and example for TWO of the laws so far. Use your work towards and your examples.

I am working on simplicity. My work is simply the compiling of the video of the project “VORTEX”. The project itself was complex but for me making 2 minutes presentation from entire video was simple task. But for the viewers that 2 minutes presentation will create query city and interest.

Someone complex creation will be someone simplest entertainment.


1. Provide an example of a situation where you have to have trust – in the same vein as the author in his swimming lesson example. What made you trust in this situation and how did you feel?

Trust leads towards prosperity. Being an overseas successful media person I am trusting Australian education system to establish myself again as media personal out here in Australia.

I have done several television projects including stage and film but for me this new environment of Australia provoked me to learn language, culture and working pattern.

I am feeling optimistic and collecting as much as information and knowledge to upgrade myself and up skill my talent to be a profession media person in future.

2. Where in our exhibition do we need to instill trust? Give examples. How are we going to achieve this?

Once again collaboration, contribution and commitment will lead us toward success. We must encourage and support each other and appreciate each other work. We should trust each other and trust own self to create positive environment.

3. What strategies are used to instill trust? Examples? Where do we need to employ this in uphere? How are we going to do this?

Fair presentation, open mind and acceptance will be the key strategies for the trust. We should be confident in our work and available to explain about our work during exhibition.

4. If you could “undo” any aspect of the preparation for the exhibition to-date, what would you “undo”? With this in mind, what would you change now in your preparation strategy to overcome having to “undo” anything?

I definitely undo the schedule and date of the exhibition. As due to flu I ended up missing my classes and also the documentary post production. Our team had work hard to present this documentary during exhibition but due to my circumstances it didn’t went as we had planned. Any way there is always next time so probably next time will be much better.

5. Homework: How are you using the laws in relation to your contribution to The uphere exhibition? Provide a short explanation and example for each of the laws so far. Use your work towards and your examples.

Getting update with the progress with all groups via google.doc and seeking opinion from individuals to polish and prepare presentation for the exhibition is comes under the laws of simplicity.


1.When Maeda uses the “Feel, and feel for” principle, he is drawing on peoples connection to a very personal experience: feelings. List 3 ways that would make use of this principle to visitors of your exhibition.

1 Way: Create interest toward exhibition

Both artist and visitors need to have enthusasium towards the exhibition. Artists need to bring forward their best work to keep viewers or visitor amaze.

2 Way: Focus area

Exhibition should focus the northern territory side wise the expectation of wide variety of visitor should be fulfilled to make it successful. Priority towards local arts and creation.

3. Commitment of participants

All artist/students being participant should be able to present at the exhibition site all the time to clarify or define their art to the viewers if there is any query.

2. a)What is animism?

The term animism is derived from the Latin word anima meaning breath or soul. The belief of animism is probably one of man's oldest beliefs, with its origin most likely dating to the Paleolithic age. From its earliest beginnings it was a belief that a soul or spirit existed in every object, even if it was inanimate. In a future state this soul or spirit would exist as part of an immaterial soul. The spirit, therefore, was thought to be universal.

by Alan G. Hefner and Virgilio Guimaraes

b)Why do you think the “Tamagocchi” craze of the ‘90s became such a craze?

The Tamagotchi (たまごっち Tamagotchi?) is a handheld digital pet created in Japan by Akihiro Yokoi of WiZ Co. Ltd., and Aki Maita of Bandai Co. Ltd. It was first sold by Bandai in 1996 in Japan. Over 70,000,000 Tamagotchis have been sold world-wide as of 2008.[1] Most Tamagotchis are housed in a small egg-shaped computer with an interface usually consisting of three buttons, although the number of buttons may vary for different variations.

According to Bandai, the name is a portmanteau combining the Japanese word "たまご" (tamago), which means "egg", and the English word "watch" (as in timepiece).[2] Consequently, the name is romanized as "Tamagotch" without the "i" in Japan. At the end of most Tamagotchi character's names, excluding some newer characters like Makiko, is 'tchi' or 'っち' in Japanese.

C) How can you apply this to your exhibition?

I have my presentation designed for the exhibition which reflects the multicultural bond of the Northern Territory.

3. Name 2 products that you have purchased that gave you that feeling of “Aichaku”. What feelings did those products evoke? Was it the feeling that sold the product to you?

Aichaku: Aichaku is the emotional patina that we develop with objects that we use.

My first motor cycle which I purchased with my first income gave me the feeling of Aichaku. I not only feel comfortable but use to enjoy my time with that motorcycle while returning back home after work every midnight singing all those evergreen songs. It was machine but it was more like my best friend who never complained nor criticized me on my bad days. My first love of my life is my first motorcycle which is in my memory now.

My desktop computer which helped me produce several audio video projects. It was assembled during 2006 but still working as new as before. I feel comfortable using it and in a perfect condition till date.

The feeling which these products evoke is confident. In any circumstances I feel confident and complete my task on time with these friends.

4. How do the references to emotion relate to the simplicity/complexity relationship discussed in Law 5 – Differences?

Something simple is less emotion and something complex is more emotion.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 7

1.What does the word ENTROPY mean and why is this relevant?
Entropy means the breakdown or disorganization of any system. Lack of pattern or organization.

2. If you are attuned to everything around you, does it help you deal with what is in front of you and why or why not ?

Majority of people feel comfortable working in the familiar environment. Some time it helps but sometime it does not. For example working as video editor in studio and in live program makes lot of difference in final product. While working in studio environment where there is no restriction or disturbance will help to complete task perfectly where as working in live concert with full of background disturbance will create emotional stress and pressure for the work.

3.How is this different from FOCUS ?
Focus is needed for the perfection. In any sector if there is less focus for the task than it will lead towards failure. We must focus and priories our goal.

4 Being “comfortably lost” is a balance between what 2 feelings?
Being comfortably lost is balance between something and nothing kind of feeling. In one state we feel there is something but in other state we feel nothing.

5. Describe a recent scenario when you found yourself to be “comfortably lost”. Did you enjoy the sensation?
The most recent scenario where I found myself completely lost was when I received email from my teacher about my incomplete blogging task.

During the semester I attended initial all classes but by middle of the course due to personal reason I could not able to attend all class (creative Thinking Class BSBCRT301A) which made my remaining assessment harder.

I have the law of simplicity book with me but having this book with me is not helping to complete my all remaining assessment. So now I have to FOCUS seriously to give what is expected from me. Anyhow I managed to proceed ahead with “completely lost” scenario nothing towards something to keep my blog update.

6.If you couldn’t hold back the urge to write on the “don’t write on this page” page – what would you write?

I prefer writing nothing on this page and proceed ahead.

Week 6

1. Describe the relationship between complexity and simplicity

Complexity and simplicity need each other. Simplicity reveals as a result of complexity. In today’s context of technological hurdle complexity appears in first phase but it fades out with renovation and appears as outstanding simplicity for example, Apple IPod. Among all competitors’ brands and design Apple IPod simply gained popularity.

2. What analogy does Maeda use to demonstrate this relationship?

The rhythm of simplicity and complexity in time and space, The analogy which Maeda use is "SONG" which changes throughout its development.

If there will be same rhythm or note through the song than it will get monotonous or boring. So to make it interesting there should be change in rhythm which make the song ear soothing.

3. In what context does Maeda discuss rhythm / beat in relation to the fifth law Contextualize this relationship and discuss how this can be used in relation to the Student Exhibition - giving specific examples

Complex variation in rhythm, duration of the beat and voice of an singer result in simplest song. In relation of the student exhibition variation of art work will be there but proper arrangement for the show will create interest to the visitors.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dr. Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats

The Six Thinking Hats

• The White Hat
The White Hat calls for information known or needed. This covers facts, figures, information needs and gaps. "I think we need some white hat thinking at this point..." means lets drop the arguments and proposals, and look at the data base."

The Red Hat

The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition. This covers intuition,feelings and emotions. The red hat allows the thinker to put forward an intuition without any need to justify it. "Putting on my red hat, I think this is a terrible proposal." Usually feelings and intuition can only be introduced into a discussion if they are supported by logic. Usually the feeling is genuine but the logic is spurious. The red hat gives full permission to a thinker to putforward his or her feelings on the subject at the moment.

• The Black Hat
The Black Hat is judgment -- the devil's advocate or why something may not work. This is the hat of judgment and caution. It is a most valuable hat. It is not in any sense an inferior or negative hat. The black hat is used to point out why a suggestion does not fit the facts, the available experience, the system in use, or the policy that is being followed. The black hat ust always be logical.

The Yellow Hat
The Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and optimism. This is the logical positive. Why something will work and why it will offer benefits. It can be used in looking forward to the results of some proposed action, but can also be used to find something of value in what has already happened.

The Green Hat
The Green Hat focuses on creativity: the possibilities, alternatives and new ideas. This is the hat of creativity, alternatives, proposals, what is interesting, provocations and changes.

• The Blue Hat
The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process. This is the overview or process control hat. It looks not at the subject itself but at the 'thinking' about the subject. "Putting on my blue hat, I feel we should do some more green hat thinking at this point." In technical terms, the blue hat is concerned with meta-cognition.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Describe the relationship between teaching and learning according to Maeda?
     Teaching and learning are vice versa. More you learn better you teach.
     Enthusiasm between teacher and learner should be in equal level.

Describe the importance of the use of metaphors in learning, why would you
use them, how, give an example?
    Giving example describes the correct form of metaphors in learning.
    “Right Tightly,lefty loosy” creates the image in brain which help to
     use screwdriver in correct way. Clock wise and anti clockwise
     motion also replicate same version.

BRAIN - what does the acronym stand for – why is it important?
    Basics are beginning
    Repeat yourself often
    Avoid creating desperation
    Inspire with examples
    Never forget to repeat yourself
    It is important because until and unless we do not follow these
    elements the knowledge will not be transmitted properly.

Describe a situation where you have been required to teach someone a skill.
     Emphasizing in basic will help to transform or transfer skill to someone.
     Professionally maneuvering camera or editing need lots of practice as
     well as frequent uses and to teach someone such skill not only need time but
     also need patience. Everyone is not a prompt learner so keeping in mind the
    “BRAIN”element will help achieve target. For example, to plug in microphone
     in camera seems much simple but complex in getting the correct level. One
     must keep the channel volume off and battery power off before plugging the
     XLR whereas after turning on camera the next step is to turn on microphone
     and control volume level.If did not follow the proper instruction technical fault
    will occur damaging both camera and microphone.

How could you apply the BRAIN principle to it?
     Clarifying the concept and describing the procedure until satisfaction level
     for the beginner by the professional will be the example of BRAIN principle

Last year LOGO

Last year logo “POINT” tried to reflect the perception of the concept
advocating the attention and devotion towards completion of project
in artistic manner.

Colour combination and simple design somehow concede with Microsoft
window design. However it is the simplest form of design which had
covered all area in the exhibition.

Week 4 "TIME"

1. What is the major benefit of saving time?
     Saving time gives you extra privilege for multitasking, increase efficiency,
     spending extra time with loved once and reduces cost in business.
     Saving is time feel like simplicity.

2. How do designers integrate time into their products? is one of the example of designers integrates time into their
    products. Similarly, Casino environment where customers are kept away
    from current time to spend more time in gaming zone,Progress Bar on
    computer which decrease frustration of user in the expectation of completion
    of task sooner, “I am feeling Lucky” of Google search engine, call centers
    eternal operation, elevators music and RFID incorporates time and product to
     maintain their efficiency and  effectiveness saving customers time in cost
    effective manner.

3. Explain the relationship between making waiting shorter with making
    waiting more tolerable?
    Waiting is tedious to everyone, intolerance to children’s where as it is getting
    habituate to adults. Give away of chocolate or hand pick quick food to the
    costumer in shopping mall is the good example of making waiting shorter,
    in relation this will make waiting time tolerable to the waiting costumers. This
    procedure will decrease the frustration of costumers during waiting for some

4. How can you use your timeline to increase your own efficiency as a designer?
    Planning in advance or organizing the task will increase efficiency.

5. Briefly outline an event or activity in which you are adept at time saving?
    Planning project before hand will save time such as preparation of pre-
    production,post production planning and storyboarding will decrease the
    timeline in professional manner which will give extra privilege to accomplish
    project in given time frame.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pros & Cons of Google Docs

Pros and Cons in relation to using Google Docs in a collaborative environment. 

Free to use, no need to download
Less feature and confusing
Easy to archive document and access anywhere from internet
Need internet connection all the time to access the document
Multiple share user can edit the document at same time in collaboration environment
Risk of losing important data while sharing and editing document


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thank you Peter for providing this oppertunity.........

Blue Screen




Art Exhibition

Week 3-Organise

1. What does the acronym SLIP mean according to Maeda?
According to John Maeda,
SLIP means systematically putting things in a right order.

2. Define each character of the acronym, S L I P in one sentence
    SORT: Identify the objects and make a rough grouping
     LABEL: Give each group a relevant name
     INTEGRATE: Put together the most likely groups
     PRIORATISE: collect the group which need more attention

3. What does Maeda say is only a pinkie away?
      TAB button in keyboard.

4. Why is this important to us as designers?
      TAB is important to designers as it simplifies the complex clutter
       categories with a simple touch.

5. What are the principles of gestalt psychological theory?
      The principles of gestalt psychological theory is pattern formation of an object
      as a result of mechanism of human brain.

6. Where might one find the aesthetics of blur?
       In the history of art raising from the impressionist paintings by Monet and his
       hazy clouds of tinybrushstrokes, to the stylized images of flowers by artist
       Georgia o’Keeffe.
7. Why is blur important in interactive design?
       Blur is important in interactive design because they are controlled into one
        image of simplicity.

8. Why do good designers squint when they look at something?
      A good designer squint to see more by seeing less to find the right balance
      or to concentrate on focus.
4 different perspectives and describe 4 different interpretations of the following non-verbal communications.

1. A person nods his/her head up and down
    To agree on,
    To admit,
    To say yes,
    If thinking
2. A person’s lower lip trembles slightly.
    If scared,
    Feeling low,
    Emotionally hurt
3. A person smiles slightly
    If happy,
    Knows something,
    Hiding something,
    Teasing someone
4. A person yawns
    If bored,
    Someone in front yawns
5. A person shrugs his/her shoulders
    To say alright go ahead,
    If don’t know anything,
    Expecting something,
6. A person inhales quickly
    If angry,
    Physically exhausted(exercise)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pros & Cons......CDU Exhibition 2010

Exhibition in University premises will open the prospective for marketing and publicity
Invitation to political will effect popularity and target of the exhibition

CDU will get an opportunity to expose its diversity in various field
Catering will create hassle for the management
Sponsor will get new venture for their prospective client
Might be wrong place to convey massage

Direct marketing opportunity with both clients and competitor will be created 
Conflict might arise in between different sponsors
Student will get opportunity to create platform with their talent for future career
Lack of expertise of the students might affect the overall exhibition

Tradition of innovation and creative teamwork will be established by the student for the students
Equal enthusiasm might lack in following days to conduct same kind of exhibition 

About IDEO

–What type of organization is IDEO?

IDEO is design and innovation consultancy firm based in Palo Alto, California, USA. This organization helps design innovative products, services, environments, digital experiences and helps companies build cultures of innovation. IDEO’s renowned multidisciplinary culture and process of innovation have given rise to the apple mouse, the first laptop computer, the Polaroid I-Zone instant camera, the palm V, the soft handled Gripper toothbrush for Oral-B, Hi-Tec Medical equipment, 25 foot mechanical whale for film “Free Willy”, smith sky gaggles, Nike Sunglasses, NEC computer screen, and hundreds of other standard-setting design.

–What are the different processes they employ in design research?
IDEO’s members are experts in the process of design. Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation are the major process IDEO’s employ on design process. Basic guidelines for the innovative design output are:
1. One conversation at a time,
2. Stay focus on topic,
3. Encourage wild ideas,
4. Differ judgments build on the ideas of others.

–How did they define the range and scope of the problem?

The range and scope of the problem IDEO defines by following concept,
1. Open mind
2. Hours and hours of hard work
3. Teamwork 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cooperation, Collaboration & Communication

I really enjoyed today’s class of Certificate IV in Interactive Digital media which was focused on project for CDU Exhibition 2010 this morning 21/7/2010.There were lots of information to share and new things to know about. Among 5 main Search engines (YAHOO, GOOGLE, AOL, BING, ASK) I was only familiar with only two of the kind Yahoo & Google which I use in regular basis. But to analyse and get proper source of information alternative search engine information revealed during the class was much effective.

There was a good participation of students in the class which was divided into different groups to develop concept and creative idea to make Exhibition successful. Our team myself, Aja & Catherine were advised to develop Sponsor’s prospective for the Exhibition. All upcoming ideas from other teams will be collaborated in following classes and we will reach our goal for sure.

Another exiting part of today’s class was creating BLOG. I never had blog before and I am passive user of social network but now I have my own blog account in and will be awaiting information, cooperation from fellow students & teachers to upgrade my knowledge by means of communication.