
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 4 "TIME"

1. What is the major benefit of saving time?
     Saving time gives you extra privilege for multitasking, increase efficiency,
     spending extra time with loved once and reduces cost in business.
     Saving is time feel like simplicity.

2. How do designers integrate time into their products? is one of the example of designers integrates time into their
    products. Similarly, Casino environment where customers are kept away
    from current time to spend more time in gaming zone,Progress Bar on
    computer which decrease frustration of user in the expectation of completion
    of task sooner, “I am feeling Lucky” of Google search engine, call centers
    eternal operation, elevators music and RFID incorporates time and product to
     maintain their efficiency and  effectiveness saving customers time in cost
    effective manner.

3. Explain the relationship between making waiting shorter with making
    waiting more tolerable?
    Waiting is tedious to everyone, intolerance to children’s where as it is getting
    habituate to adults. Give away of chocolate or hand pick quick food to the
    costumer in shopping mall is the good example of making waiting shorter,
    in relation this will make waiting time tolerable to the waiting costumers. This
    procedure will decrease the frustration of costumers during waiting for some

4. How can you use your timeline to increase your own efficiency as a designer?
    Planning in advance or organizing the task will increase efficiency.

5. Briefly outline an event or activity in which you are adept at time saving?
    Planning project before hand will save time such as preparation of pre-
    production,post production planning and storyboarding will decrease the
    timeline in professional manner which will give extra privilege to accomplish
    project in given time frame.

1 comment:

  1. Very good..... you will know all about time management with all the projects I have been throwing at you in the last few weeks!
    Good to see you relating your time saving example to your timeline that your group put together for the exhibition. An excellent example of time saving that your group is obviously benefiting from now.
