
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thank you Peter for providing this oppertunity.........

Blue Screen




Art Exhibition

Week 3-Organise

1. What does the acronym SLIP mean according to Maeda?
According to John Maeda,
SLIP means systematically putting things in a right order.

2. Define each character of the acronym, S L I P in one sentence
    SORT: Identify the objects and make a rough grouping
     LABEL: Give each group a relevant name
     INTEGRATE: Put together the most likely groups
     PRIORATISE: collect the group which need more attention

3. What does Maeda say is only a pinkie away?
      TAB button in keyboard.

4. Why is this important to us as designers?
      TAB is important to designers as it simplifies the complex clutter
       categories with a simple touch.

5. What are the principles of gestalt psychological theory?
      The principles of gestalt psychological theory is pattern formation of an object
      as a result of mechanism of human brain.

6. Where might one find the aesthetics of blur?
       In the history of art raising from the impressionist paintings by Monet and his
       hazy clouds of tinybrushstrokes, to the stylized images of flowers by artist
       Georgia o’Keeffe.
7. Why is blur important in interactive design?
       Blur is important in interactive design because they are controlled into one
        image of simplicity.

8. Why do good designers squint when they look at something?
      A good designer squint to see more by seeing less to find the right balance
      or to concentrate on focus.
4 different perspectives and describe 4 different interpretations of the following non-verbal communications.

1. A person nods his/her head up and down
    To agree on,
    To admit,
    To say yes,
    If thinking
2. A person’s lower lip trembles slightly.
    If scared,
    Feeling low,
    Emotionally hurt
3. A person smiles slightly
    If happy,
    Knows something,
    Hiding something,
    Teasing someone
4. A person yawns
    If bored,
    Someone in front yawns
5. A person shrugs his/her shoulders
    To say alright go ahead,
    If don’t know anything,
    Expecting something,
6. A person inhales quickly
    If angry,
    Physically exhausted(exercise)