
Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Describe the relationship between teaching and learning according to Maeda?
     Teaching and learning are vice versa. More you learn better you teach.
     Enthusiasm between teacher and learner should be in equal level.

Describe the importance of the use of metaphors in learning, why would you
use them, how, give an example?
    Giving example describes the correct form of metaphors in learning.
    “Right Tightly,lefty loosy” creates the image in brain which help to
     use screwdriver in correct way. Clock wise and anti clockwise
     motion also replicate same version.

BRAIN - what does the acronym stand for – why is it important?
    Basics are beginning
    Repeat yourself often
    Avoid creating desperation
    Inspire with examples
    Never forget to repeat yourself
    It is important because until and unless we do not follow these
    elements the knowledge will not be transmitted properly.

Describe a situation where you have been required to teach someone a skill.
     Emphasizing in basic will help to transform or transfer skill to someone.
     Professionally maneuvering camera or editing need lots of practice as
     well as frequent uses and to teach someone such skill not only need time but
     also need patience. Everyone is not a prompt learner so keeping in mind the
    “BRAIN”element will help achieve target. For example, to plug in microphone
     in camera seems much simple but complex in getting the correct level. One
     must keep the channel volume off and battery power off before plugging the
     XLR whereas after turning on camera the next step is to turn on microphone
     and control volume level.If did not follow the proper instruction technical fault
    will occur damaging both camera and microphone.

How could you apply the BRAIN principle to it?
     Clarifying the concept and describing the procedure until satisfaction level
     for the beginner by the professional will be the example of BRAIN principle

Last year LOGO

Last year logo “POINT” tried to reflect the perception of the concept
advocating the attention and devotion towards completion of project
in artistic manner.

Colour combination and simple design somehow concede with Microsoft
window design. However it is the simplest form of design which had
covered all area in the exhibition.

Week 4 "TIME"

1. What is the major benefit of saving time?
     Saving time gives you extra privilege for multitasking, increase efficiency,
     spending extra time with loved once and reduces cost in business.
     Saving is time feel like simplicity.

2. How do designers integrate time into their products? is one of the example of designers integrates time into their
    products. Similarly, Casino environment where customers are kept away
    from current time to spend more time in gaming zone,Progress Bar on
    computer which decrease frustration of user in the expectation of completion
    of task sooner, “I am feeling Lucky” of Google search engine, call centers
    eternal operation, elevators music and RFID incorporates time and product to
     maintain their efficiency and  effectiveness saving customers time in cost
    effective manner.

3. Explain the relationship between making waiting shorter with making
    waiting more tolerable?
    Waiting is tedious to everyone, intolerance to children’s where as it is getting
    habituate to adults. Give away of chocolate or hand pick quick food to the
    costumer in shopping mall is the good example of making waiting shorter,
    in relation this will make waiting time tolerable to the waiting costumers. This
    procedure will decrease the frustration of costumers during waiting for some

4. How can you use your timeline to increase your own efficiency as a designer?
    Planning in advance or organizing the task will increase efficiency.

5. Briefly outline an event or activity in which you are adept at time saving?
    Planning project before hand will save time such as preparation of pre-
    production,post production planning and storyboarding will decrease the
    timeline in professional manner which will give extra privilege to accomplish
    project in given time frame.