
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 6

1. Describe the relationship between complexity and simplicity

Complexity and simplicity need each other. Simplicity reveals as a result of complexity. In today’s context of technological hurdle complexity appears in first phase but it fades out with renovation and appears as outstanding simplicity for example, Apple IPod. Among all competitors’ brands and design Apple IPod simply gained popularity.

2. What analogy does Maeda use to demonstrate this relationship?

The rhythm of simplicity and complexity in time and space, The analogy which Maeda use is "SONG" which changes throughout its development.

If there will be same rhythm or note through the song than it will get monotonous or boring. So to make it interesting there should be change in rhythm which make the song ear soothing.

3. In what context does Maeda discuss rhythm / beat in relation to the fifth law Contextualize this relationship and discuss how this can be used in relation to the Student Exhibition - giving specific examples

Complex variation in rhythm, duration of the beat and voice of an singer result in simplest song. In relation of the student exhibition variation of art work will be there but proper arrangement for the show will create interest to the visitors.

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