
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 7

1.What does the word ENTROPY mean and why is this relevant?
Entropy means the breakdown or disorganization of any system. Lack of pattern or organization.

2. If you are attuned to everything around you, does it help you deal with what is in front of you and why or why not ?

Majority of people feel comfortable working in the familiar environment. Some time it helps but sometime it does not. For example working as video editor in studio and in live program makes lot of difference in final product. While working in studio environment where there is no restriction or disturbance will help to complete task perfectly where as working in live concert with full of background disturbance will create emotional stress and pressure for the work.

3.How is this different from FOCUS ?
Focus is needed for the perfection. In any sector if there is less focus for the task than it will lead towards failure. We must focus and priories our goal.

4 Being “comfortably lost” is a balance between what 2 feelings?
Being comfortably lost is balance between something and nothing kind of feeling. In one state we feel there is something but in other state we feel nothing.

5. Describe a recent scenario when you found yourself to be “comfortably lost”. Did you enjoy the sensation?
The most recent scenario where I found myself completely lost was when I received email from my teacher about my incomplete blogging task.

During the semester I attended initial all classes but by middle of the course due to personal reason I could not able to attend all class (creative Thinking Class BSBCRT301A) which made my remaining assessment harder.

I have the law of simplicity book with me but having this book with me is not helping to complete my all remaining assessment. So now I have to FOCUS seriously to give what is expected from me. Anyhow I managed to proceed ahead with “completely lost” scenario nothing towards something to keep my blog update.

6.If you couldn’t hold back the urge to write on the “don’t write on this page” page – what would you write?

I prefer writing nothing on this page and proceed ahead.

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