
Sunday, November 28, 2010


1. Provide an example of a situation where you have to have trust – in the same vein as the author in his swimming lesson example. What made you trust in this situation and how did you feel?

Trust leads towards prosperity. Being an overseas successful media person I am trusting Australian education system to establish myself again as media personal out here in Australia.

I have done several television projects including stage and film but for me this new environment of Australia provoked me to learn language, culture and working pattern.

I am feeling optimistic and collecting as much as information and knowledge to upgrade myself and up skill my talent to be a profession media person in future.

2. Where in our exhibition do we need to instill trust? Give examples. How are we going to achieve this?

Once again collaboration, contribution and commitment will lead us toward success. We must encourage and support each other and appreciate each other work. We should trust each other and trust own self to create positive environment.

3. What strategies are used to instill trust? Examples? Where do we need to employ this in uphere? How are we going to do this?

Fair presentation, open mind and acceptance will be the key strategies for the trust. We should be confident in our work and available to explain about our work during exhibition.

4. If you could “undo” any aspect of the preparation for the exhibition to-date, what would you “undo”? With this in mind, what would you change now in your preparation strategy to overcome having to “undo” anything?

I definitely undo the schedule and date of the exhibition. As due to flu I ended up missing my classes and also the documentary post production. Our team had work hard to present this documentary during exhibition but due to my circumstances it didn’t went as we had planned. Any way there is always next time so probably next time will be much better.

5. Homework: How are you using the laws in relation to your contribution to The uphere exhibition? Provide a short explanation and example for each of the laws so far. Use your work towards and your examples.

Getting update with the progress with all groups via google.doc and seeking opinion from individuals to polish and prepare presentation for the exhibition is comes under the laws of simplicity.

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